

Saturday 2 June 2012

Body language - Arm

The arm is an interesting appendages with a ball at the top, a hinge in the middle, and with a rather complex toolset at the end.
Watch also for arms held still -- this is often the first place the deceiver starts when trying to control body language (they may even hold one arm with the other to keep them both still).


Arms are clever expanding devices that can make us bigger or smaller, reaching out without having to move the rest of our body.
They can extend towards the other person, either in threat or a more friendly way. Moved directly and quickly they threaten. Curved and moving more slowly they may offer comfort.
The can also extend laterally, sometimes as a part of a body-expanding 'I am big' display that can signify confidence or perhaps aggression.


Arms are used as a part of shaping as we wave them around and carve out the world. They are an adjunct to our words as we literally show other people how big the fish was or how small the child is.
When we are excited or confident, we may wave our arms about like windmills. When we are less confident, our shaping is smaller and closer to the body.
This waving of arms needs control and a person who bangs their hand on something may indicate clumsiness.


Raising the arms lifts something up. Done rapidly, it throws things into the air. With both arms, it exaggerates it further. A typical two-arm-raising gesture is frustration, as everything that is weighing the person down with confusion is thrown up into the air. Coupled with a shrug it indicates confusion ('I don't know!!').


Arms can be like weapons. They can symbolize clubs and spears as they strike out at imaginary foes. They can also be defensive, blocking and sweeping away attacks. In martial arts arms can be used to block and strike and this is reflected in how they may be used in communication.


Arms can act as the doorway to the body and the self. When they are crossed, they form a closed defensive shield, blocking out the outside world. Shields act in two ways: one is to block incoming attacks and the other is a place behind which the person can hide and perhaps not be noticed.
Crossed arms may thus indicate anxiety which is either driven by a lack of trust in the other person or an internal discomfort and sense of vulnerability (that may, for example, be rooted in childhood trauma).
The extent of crossing indicates how firmly closed the person is. This may range from a light cross to arms folded to arms wrapped around the person. An extreme version which may indicate additional hostility is a tight close with hands formed as fists. If legs are crossed also then this adds to the signal.
The hands in an arm-cross may also be used to hold the person in a reassuring self-hug, for example holding upper arms in a folded-arms position or wrapped around the torso, holding the sides. If the thumbs are up, this may indicate some approval or agreement with what is being said.
Crossed arms, especially when holding one another can show the person to be trying to keep themselves still. This can be to suppress any signals. It may also indicate repressed anger (I have to hold myself to prevent myself hitting you). In some cultures it also signals that the person is holding themself still so they can pay greater attention to you (and is hence a compliment).
When arms are not crossed, they expose the torso and the person, making them more vulnerable. This signifies comfort that often indicates trust. It can also be power position that dares the other person to attack whilst knowing that the other person dare not.
Crossed arms is a very obvious signal and if you do it in front of other people they will likely feel rejected and respond accordingly (including not agreeing with you).
Note that not all crossed arms are defensive. Sometimes folded arms, for example, are just a relaxed position. Crossed arms are also used when the person is cold (this is typically done with hands tucked under armpits to keep them warm).
A common method sales people use to break a crossed-arms closed position is to give the person something to hold or otherwise ask them to use theirhands.

Reaching forward

Reaching forward to the other person can be quite scary for them as you could attack them, and a sudden thrust forward can indeed be an aggressive signal, especially if the hand is pointing or shaped as a fist.
Reaching forward can also be an offer of support or affection, seeking to touch and join with the other person.

Pulling back

When arms are thrust forward, they are the first thing that may be grabbed or attacked. When a person feels defensive they may pull back their arms out of harm's way.

Elbow body language

When you think 'body language', the elbow is not usually the first thing you think of, and indeed there are less things they can say. The lesser-noticed parts, however, should always be watched, both individually and as a part of a wider cluster.


Elbows are often used as a central part of a size display as we push them outwards as we puff ourselves up to appear bigger larger than we are (much as birds stand their feathers on end).
Putting hands on the waist sends a stronger signal. More subtle is simply to expand the chest and push elbows slightly out.
This is usually done whilst standing and with the body stationery (it is difficult to run with elbows sticking out).
This can signify aggression, but may also be a more relaxed attention-getting pose (look at me!). This often is accompanied by a relaxed S-shaped body curve, with one foot pointing forward at the target person.


For those who have struggled in big January sales know (or any hurrying crowd for that matter), elbows can make excellent weapons. They are a pointed tool at the end of the powerful upper arm and a jab in the ribs can wind even a somewhat larger opponent.
In everyday language a symbolic strike towards someone (without hitting them) says 'I feel like hitting you' or 'I could hit you'. It thus can be a suggestion to desist from some undesirable behavior.


When seated, putting elbows on the table may indicate a relaxed state. The head may thus be propped up by cupped hands.


We tend to point at people and things in which we are interested in some way. The most obvious way is with the finger. We also do it with other parts of the body. One of the most subtle and subconscious of these is the elbow.

Hand body language

Hands have 27 bones and are a very expressive part of our anatomy. The give us enormous capability as an evolved species in how we handle our environment.
Reading palms is not just about the lines on your hand. After the face, hands probably the richest source of body language.
It is also worth noting that gestures with the hands vary significantly across cultures and an 'innocent' hand signal can get you arrested in another country.
A hand signal may be small, perhaps betraying subconscious thinking. It may also be exaggerated or done with both hands to emphasize the point.


Cupped hands form a container which can hold gently. Gripping hands can hold tightly. Hands can hold both individually or together (giving an exaggerated effect).
Cupped hands can symbolize delicacy or hold a fragile idea. They may also be used for giving. Gripping can show possessiveness, ownership and desire (the tighter the fist, the stronger the feeling).
Hands may also hold the self, such as when people hold their own hands, typically for comfort. Wringing the hands indicates more extreme nervousness.
Holding the self can also be an act of restraint. This can be to let the other person talk. It can also be used when the person is angry, effectively stopping them from attacking.
The two hands can show different desires, for example with one forming a fist and the other holding it back, restraining the desire to punch the other person.
Note also that people who are lying often try to control their hands, and when they are kept still (often holding one another), you might get suspicious. Another sign can be holding them behind the back. As ever, these are only possible indicators and you should also look for similar signs.
Hands may also be used to hold items such as pens or cups, which may be used as comfort objects, for example where a person hugs a cup (the cup represents the person, so they are effectively hugging themself). Holding an item with two hands effectively creates a closed position.
Holding imaginary objects as they are talked about can show importance. Things which are important (and perhaps with fear of loss) are held close and tight. Things which are not wanted are held further away (or even tossed away).
Even ideas may be held. The bigger and more important the idea, the wider the arms are held. A common size is as if they are holding a basketball -- this is useful as you can give it to other people. A wide-armed hold may indicate the whole world or something massive.
Items may also be for distracting activity that releases nervous energy, such as fiddling with a pen, clicking it on and off, or doodling with it.


A hand with palm down may figuratively hold or restrain the other person. This  can be an authoritative action ('Stop that now') or may be a request ('Please calm down'). This also appears in the dominant hand-on-top handshake.
A palm facing outward towards others fends them off or pushes them away in a more obvious way than the palms-down signal ('Stop. Do not come any closer!').
A pointing finger or whole hand tells a person where to go ('Leave now!').


Hands are often used in greetings. The most common form of greeting is shaking hands, of which there are many different forms. Opening the palm shows that there is no concealed weapon. This is significant in greeting, salutes, waves etc.
This is one of the few times we are allowed to touch the other person and it may get used to send various signals.
Dominance is shown with hand on top, strength, prolonged holding ('I decide when to let go') and holding the person with the other hand.
Affection is shown with speed and duration of shake, touching with the other hand and enthusiastic smiles. The similarity between dominant and affection handshakes leads to tricky situations where a dominant person pretends to be friendly.
Submission is shown with a floppy hand, palm up and which is sometimes clammy and with a quick withdrawal.
Most handshakes use vertical palms to show equality, are firm without being crushing and for a very exact period (so both know when to let go).
Waving is also used for a greeting and may be done at a distance.
Salutes are sometimes used, but mostly only in the military, where their style is strictly prescribed.


Hands can carve the air, shaping what the person is talking about or meaning. They can thus create visual metaphors out of literally nothing.
A man talking may shape a fish he caught. He might also carve out the shape of his ideal woman. Other gestures can shape more crudely, indicating holding and moving sexually significant body parts.


The side of a flat hand can appear as a knife, cutting the air like a karate chop. The cutting hand may strike the other palm, creating visual and aural impact.
A side-swiped cut with palm down tells others to stop what they are doing, for example when a person on stage asks the audience to stop clapping so they can speak. A short side swipe may also signal 'no' in any conversation.
Cuts can signal aggression, particularly when coupled with an aggressive face. They may also indicate decisiveness, chopping with each point. A side-swiped cut can chop away someone else's argument.


The hand can strike openly, with the palm or closed as a fist. The fist can strike forwards, sideways or downwards. One hand is often used for symbols as two hands as fists can be an invitation to fight (two hands held inwards can also indicate extreme tension).
Fist shapes and movements are often symbols of inner aggression. When moved towards a person, even a small amount, they signal aggression towards that person. A shaking fist signifies a strong desire to strike someone. Punching the air indicates triumphal excitement.


Hands can hide things. When people do not want to hear something, they put hands to ears. When they do not want to look, they cover their eyes. When they want to say something but feel restrained, they put their hands to their mouth. A hand may also cover a rudely open mouth, which may be opened in such as surprise or a yawn.
Hands covering the mouth when speaking may be an indicator of lying, although it may also just indicate uncertainty.
Hands can cover other things. A hand to heart may seek to protect it from shocking harm. A hand to the groin may protect from dangerous attack. Hands can also cover one another. Sometimes a tense fist may be covered by the other hand.


Outstretched palms may offer something to another person. Held with palms faced towards one another they might hold something large. Held upwards they openly proffer an idea.
They may also show that nothing is being concealed, giving what I have, which is nothing.
A single offered hand is the start of the handshake.


Palms offered upwards are a common plea gesture, as if asking for alms. Palms downwards may ask a person to calm down.
Palms up or at 45 degrees and then pulled towards the body seeks to bring others closer to you in an attenuated beckoning gesture.
Hands with palms pressed together indicate a more anxious pleading. This gesture may be done with fingers upwards in a clear prayer position ('Please do not harm me!'), and possibly thrust towards the other person. With fingers pointing down, this may be more concealed or a less anxious desire for agreement. A variant of this is to have fingers interleaved, but otherwise making the same shape and movement.


Rubbing the hands together can mean that the person is cold. It also means the person is feeling particularly gleeful about something. This can be a shared benefit and be used in a conspiratorial way.
When they do this less obviously and more slowly, they might thinking that they are going to benefit at the expense of someone else. Watch also for small smiles and defocused eyes as they imagine a rosy future (at least for them).
Rubbing the face and particularly the chin can indicate thinking, evaluating and deciding.
When a part of the body is sore, the person may rub it. This also happens when that part of the body is tense, for example the neck or abdomen, and can thus be a signal of anxiety.
Light stroking of the body can be a romantic invitation, particularly if the erogenous areas (or nearby) are touched. This says 'I would like you to do this' and can be very arousing.


When the fingers are pressed together forming a steepled shape, pointing upwards, the person may well be thinking, evaluating or deciding. This may also be done with just index fingers pressed together and other fingers interlinked ('the church'), with all finger-tips touching ('the cage') or with fingers interlinked.
The steepled position forms a barrier against the other person and may be held lower when the person wants to connect more, such as when they are listening.
A subtler version of the evaluative position is with the hand supporting the head but with the index finger up the side the of the face. The middle finger may cover the mouth ('I'm not ready to talk yet').
These fingers-up positions may include touching of the mouth or chin with the fingers, which may indicate the person is thinking about saying something but is not yet ready to speak out loud.
The fingers may also be all intertwined and typically held under the chin. Again, this is a thinking and evaluating signal.
Hands clenched can be a self-restraining act, effectively holding the person back from speaking until they are ready.


Hands may be used to support the head or even the body when leaning.
Hands wrapped around the cheeks with elbows on the table indicates a heavy head and the person may be sleepy or bored. This may also be indicated with a single hand propping up the chin or side of the head.
The hands may also lightly support the head, either as a single hand gently under the chin or with fingers intertwined with elbows on table and chin touching the fingers. Particularly when looking at the other person, this says 'look at my face, isn't it nice' and may thus be an enticing position.
A lightly supported head may also be a position of listening, where the person is holding their head still in order to focus on the other person.
A simple rule is that the more that the head is supported, the more the person is bored. When they are interested in what others are saying, support is light.


Hands may be hidden by putting them behind the back, in pockets, under the table or sitting on them. They are often used in communication and hiding the hands may indicate a desire not to communicate or not to collaborate, saying 'I don't want to talk with you' or 'I do not agree with you'.
This may be done in a deliberate gesture of defiance, such as stuffing hands in pockets. Liars may hide their hands in fear that they will give themselves away.
Hiding hands may also be a position of listening, sending the message 'I do not want to talk because I want to listen to you.' 
Putting hands in pockets or behind the back can also be due to just feeling relaxed and not needing to talk.


The hand may touch any part of the body in a whole range of situation.
Perhaps the most common reason for touching oneself is self-affirmation ('I am here. I am real. I am ok.') and related anxiety. Anxiety can be related to concern for the outer world or the inner world of thoughts and forecasts.
Touching is also used in romantic situations, where parts of the body may be lightly touched or stroked in simulation of desired or suggested action by the other person. The more erotic the parts being touched, the stronger the signal is sent.
Touching can also be a form of punishment, for example when a person slaps their head ('Bother - I forgot!').
Touching the other person can be an act of domination or of friendship, for example a hand on the shoulder whilst telling them off adds authority, whilst a gentle touch on the arm when sympathizing demonstrates concern for them.


Preening is a common action as the person brushes their hair and clothes, figuratively making themselves look more attractive and sending the signal 'Aren't I beautiful!' This is thus says 'Please like me' and may be a romantic invitation, a signal of superiority or indicate feelings of vulnerability.
Picking at bits of fluff clothes often shows disapproval as the person figuratively picks apart your argument.


Cupped hands may be used to indicate weight, which often is used as a metaphor for importance.
Single-handed weighting bounces the cupped hand up and down, for example when an argument is being proposed.
Two hands are used to indicate discussion of A vs. B. Watch which hands seems to hold the heavier weight -- this will be the one which the person thinks is most significant.


Not body language as such, but the length of the index finger compared with the length of the ring finger is related to masculinity. High levels of testosterone in the womb lead to a longer ring finger. Testosterone is also related to other masculine characteristics, including strength and aggression, spatial and musical ability.
By looking for long and short ring fingers (as compared with the index fingers), you might hence find a tendency towards masculine or feminine characteristics.

Finger body language

Fingers are very flexible and allow for subtle gestures.


A pointing finger indicates direction ('It's over there'). For a long distance, the finger may be pointed diagonally upwards, as if firing an arrow. The index finger is usually used, though the middle finger or even all fingers may be used.
The thumb may be used to pointer to something being as it is jerked over the shoulder.
Pointing at people is like using the prod (see below) and is often considered to be rude and threatening.
People who are angry tend to point more, including at themselves (when they feel hurt or insulted) and at those who they feel are to blame.
Pointing, especially at other people, can be particularly rude in a number of cultures.
In some cultures the thumb is a phallic symbol and giving a 'thumbs up' signal says 'I want to have sex with you.' or may just be a rude insult. This can cause a lot of confusion between people from the Orient and the Occident.


The wagging finger of admonition beats up and down as if striking the culprit. This can be with a stable hand and just a finger way. It may also be done with the whole arm, giving an exaggerated striking movement.
A more polite version points downwards as it beats out an important point, perhaps tapping on something like a table.
The forefinger held up and stationary means 'wait' (perhaps as a threat of being used as a club otherwise).


The finger prod can act like a stiletto knife, stabbing forward at the other person. This is usually the index finger, although the middle finger is sometimes used. This is often very threatening and felt as a personal attack.
The prod may also be used to prod downwards at an imaginary item in front. This is less threatening than pointing directly at the person.
The prod can also be made less threatening by bringing several fingers together and bending the fingers. A disguised form of this is the finger-and-thumb pinch, where an imaginary idea is delicately held and offered forward.


Fingers extended and closed join with the palm to form a plate. The plate holds symbolic things, such as ideas, often gently. The plate may be proffered forwards, offering the held item to others. For large things both hands may be held together.
Held under the chin, it presents the face as an object to be admired and is often used in flirting.


Fingers held together and curled upwards form a cup that can contain things more securely than the plate. Relaxed fingers form a loose cup, whilst tense fingers form a more closed cup. Two hands together form a big cup (to hold bigger things).
Cups may be used to plead for something to be given or offer something forward to others.


Fingers pinched together hold something small and delicate. This may be finger and thumb or may involve more fingers (finger and thumb is less frequent as this forms an 'O' which can have many different meanings).
It may be used when saying 'you must grasp this idea'. Held out towards others it offers them the idea. Pushed down it holds the idea whilst beating out the key points.


Curved and separated fingers form a claw. With palm facing down, the claw may threaten to reach forward and grab, scratch or tear.
If the fingers are held loosely, the shape is more of an open cup and may thus hold something. Held downwards it may gently restrain.


Drumming or tapping the fingers can indicate frustration, for example when another person is speaking and the person wants to interrupt. It may also mean that the person drumming wants to leave.
Non-verbal noise sends an audible interrupt signal to the other person. The louder the noise and faster the drumming, the greater the tension the person is feeling. Drumming with the nails makes an even louder noise and hence sends a more urgent signal.
Drumming can also indicate that the person is thinking, and that the frustration is with internal thoughts and perhaps that an easy solution cannot be found.


Sucking a finger is often an echo of doing this in childhood. Young children suck fingers or thumb as a breast substitute. This action is hence a comforter, done when the person is uncomfortable or stressed in some way. Variants on this include sucking knuckles or sucking a pencil.


The middle finger pointing upwards says 'up yours' and symbolizes a penis. The little finger in this gesture indicates the other person has a small penis (this is sometimes used as a rude gesture from a woman to a man).
The first two fingers pointing upwards and with the palm towards the self says 'f**k off' (though curiously, with the palm facing the other person indicates peace).
The finger and thumb together forming a circle may symbolize the female genitalia (perhaps likening the other person to this). It can also indicate the anus. Moved up and down it may indicate male masturbation (implying the other person, a male, is unable to gain a female partner and thus has to masturbate to get sexual relief). Yet with little finger facing outwards it can also mean 'OK' or 'wonderful'.
The index and little finger pointing upwards as a gesture can say that the other man is a cuckold. It can also signify the 'evil eye'.


Thumbs-up signals approval and agreement. Thumbs-down signals disapproval. Held sideways (and perhaps waggled) indicates uncertainty).
Roman amphitheater audiences reputedly used this signal to suggest to the emperor that a defeated gladiator be spared or killed.
Thumbs up when arms are crossed or a single hand is held across the chest is a subtle sign of approval. It can also be an invitation to others to show approval of what you are saying.
Thumbs sticking out when hands are in pockets is often a sign of confidence, feeling relaxed and in control. It can thus be both a sign of authority and also of friendliness.


Fingers crossed indicates hope (because they form a rough crucifix).
Inspecting fingernails indicates boredom and disinterest.
Fluttering fingers may indicate uncertainty ('I'm not sure') or may be a small wave (for example being child-like, indicating 'I am not a threat' or 'protect me').
Fidgeting fingers may indicate boredom or tension.
Sucking fingers is a regressive return to childhood and breast feeding. This may well indicate timidity and feelings of inferiority.

Body language - Neck

The is used to support and rotate the head and hence controls some head body language. It also may send a few signals of its own.


The neck a classic position where a predator attacks, either going for the jugular artery at the side or crushing or ripping out the windpipe.
When people feel threatened they will thus naturally act to protect the neck, pulling the chin down to protect the throat and possibly also raising the shoulders to protect the sides of the neck.
Embarrassment or fear can lead to increased swallowing. A hand on the throat may cover up the signs of swallowing as the person seeks to hide this signal.


The neck can be rotated, both horizontally and vertically, thus giving our head several degrees of freedom and the ability to look in many directions. The eyes can also look without turning the head. Rotating the neck is useful for extending the range of vision. It can also be used deliberately to send a signal that the person is giving or removing attention.
The neck can also become stiff from propping up the head and rotation of the neck may be done to exercise it. Exercising the neck can be a sign of tension. It may also indicate boredom.


Touching the front of the neck may indicate concern about what the person is saying (via their windpipe). This may because they are lying or otherwise are embarrassed or uncomfortable with what they are actually saying or are thinking of saying.
When a person is uncomfortable with what they are saying or where they are saying it, then their neck muscles may tense, affecting their voice through constriction of the windpipe or tensing of the vocal chords. This can cause discomfort in the neck and the hand thus acts to sooth this irritation.
When a person is uncomfortable they may sweat. If they are wearing a tight collar this will start to rub and irritate them. As a result they may pull at their collar.
The neck also contains the tubes going down to the stomach and touching the neck may show a concern about eating or drinking.
Another reason for touching the neck is when the person fears attack, as it reflects the desire to cover their windpipe.
There are also major muscles at the side and back of the neck and rubbing or squeezing these indicates tension, which may well be anxiety.
Suddenly grabbing the back of the neck can be a displacement activity for anger, as if the person raises their hand to strike then has to do something to restrain it. A neck-grab can also be a sign of shock or surprise as if the person is pulling their head back and grabbing it to suppress the reaction. This may be done as a deliberate exaggeration.

No neck

Having 'no neck' is often associated with people who have done so much weight training that their necks are almost as wide as their heads. The appearance, coupled with a muscled body, can be very threatening. If the person enjoys this effect on others, they may exaggerate it with arms held wide, fierce glares and other dominant body language.

Shoulder body language

The shoulders, although they have limited movement when compared with other parts of the body, can be used to convey various signals.


Holding the shoulders in a raised position requires that the whole weight of the arms are lifted. This takes continued effort, which is supplied if the person is aroused in some way.
Shoulders hunched up can be a sign that the person is cold (they may be shivering too). Often, this is a sign of tension, often from anxiety or fear.
Raising the shoulders and lowering the head protects the neck when the person fears attack (actual or virtual).

Curved forward

curving the shoulders forward happens naturally when arms are folded. When curled forward with the hands down this reduces the width of the body and can thus be a defensive posture or a subconscious desire not to be seen, for example when the person is feeling threatened or when they want to stay 'under cover'.

Pushed back

Pushing the shoulders back forces the chest out and exposes the torso to potential attack. This posture is thus used when the person does not fear attack and may be used as a taunt to demonstrate power.
If the body is pulled back when the shoulders are pulled back, particularly when the person is up against the wall, this can indicate a desire to hide the body and not be seen, or otherwise defensively move it out of harm's way.


Circling the shoulders may be done forwards or backwards, with one or both shoulders. This is often done to exercise a stiff shoulder, which may have been held tensely (and hence may indicate anxiety). This may also be accompanied by rotating or leaning of the neck and other muscle-exercising movements.
This exercising can signal that the person is readying themselves for action and perhaps combat, and hence may be used as a sign of aggression.
When done whilst the other person is talking and it would be polite to listen carefully, this deliberate breaking of protocol can be an insulting signal of power ('You are so unimportant I do not need to bother listening politely').


The classic shrug, with one-off raising and lowering of shoulders usually means 'I don't know!' and may be accompanied with raised eyebrows, down-turned mouth, and hands held to the side, with palms upwards or forwards (showing nothing is being concealed).
Shoulders may not move much in a small or suppressed shrug. Sometimes all you may see is a slight raising of the arms.
A small and quick shrug may send the same signal but be performed subconsciously and thus can indicate uncertainty or lack of understanding.
Shrugging may be associated with lying where a person shrugs rather than speaks, in fear that their words may give themselves away.
A more prolonged and animated shrug can be similar to the circling shoulders that indicate readying for aggression and can thus signal a threat. In a smaller form it may indicate irritation or frustration.


We often carry tension in the shoulders and a person who is truly relaxed will have their shoulders held low, with arms that can move naturally, without jerkiness and swinging free.


When the person leans against a wall, they often contact the wall with their shoulder. This is usually a relaxed pose as galvanizing into physical movement would take more than a little effort, which puts the person in a position vulnerable to attack.


Turning shoulders is a key part of turning away. If a person turns their shoulders whilst still looking at you, it probably means they want to leave (maybe because what you are saying is uncomfortable for them).

Chest body language

The chest can send a few non-verbal body language signals.

Thrust out

Pushing the chest forward draws attention to it, and can be a part of a provocative romantic display. Women, especially, know that men are programmed to be aroused by the sight of breasts. When women push forward their chests they may thus be inviting intimate relations (or just teasing). This is a function of high heels, which curves the spine to push out the chest and buttocks.
Men also thrust their chest out to display their strong pectorals (and perhaps hide their bulging gut). Enlarged pectorals are, along with biceps, the most common muscles that are used to assess overall strength.
A difference with men is that they do this both to women ('Look at me - I'm strong and will protect you and our babies') and also other men ('I am strong, so you'd better not get in my way').


When the person stands sideways or at 45 degrees, the effect of a thrust-out chest is exaggerated as the person is seen in profile. Women may use this to display the curve of their breasts. Likewise, men may show their strong profiles.


The chest cavity, although protected to some extent by the ribs, contains vital organs and thus is vulnerable in attack. When the chest is pulled back, this may well indicate that the person is trying to hide or appear inoffensive ('I am weak - please don't hurt me!'). Curling forward the shoulders may offer further protection.


The chest expands and contracts with breath. When the person is breathing deeply, then the chest moves more.
Deep breath may be used to help thrust out the chest, as above. It also increases the oxygen intake and readies the person for action, thus indicating such as fear or anger. We also breath deeply when we are experiencing intense emotions such as love.
A person who is particularly anxious may breathe too fast and deep and so hyperventilate, taking in so much oxygen they get giddy (and can even faint).
When the body is held rigid, then breathing is more difficult and short breaths are more likely and may indicate tension.
When a person in a state of hopeful suspense they may hold their breath, as if breathing would either cause what is feared or destroy what is being enjoyed.


Touching the chest draws further attention to it. When a woman does this in front of a man it makes the man think of doing this and is thus a highly suggestive and flirtatious act.
Rubbing the chest can also be a sign of pain of discomfort, perhaps from tension and stress.

Back body language

The back, which includes the spine and the rear of the torso, does not send much non-verbal body language and is probably the 'least communicative' part of the body.


The face is on the front of the body and so we present the front when talking to other people. If we do not want to talk to them, we can indicate our desire not to talk with them in several stages:
  • Avert the gaze, not making eye contact.
  • Turn the head.
  • Twist the torso (feet not moving).
  • Twist further (one foot rotates).
  • Turn at an angle (both feet move).
  • Turn around (so they can only see our back).
Each of these is an escalating signal, with complete 180 degree rotation as the maximum rejection. Even turning at a slight angle sends a clear message (giving the 'cold shoulder'). Turning fully around thus sends the loudest possible non-verbal signal 'I do not want to talk with you.'


Turning around means you are potentially vulnerable to attack as you cannot see anyone behind you make a move on you. This can thus be a power move, usually between men, which says 'I do not have to look at you to decide if you are going to attack me because I am so powerful you do not dare.'


Whilst having the back facing someone makes you unable to defend yourself, if you are about to be hit with something the back provides perhaps the least sensitive area on the body. It is broad and well-muscled, with ribs around the organs.
When we face imminent impact we turn around, typically also putting our hands behind our head to protect it and crouching down to make ourselves a smaller target. This is a reflexive action for example when something is thrown at us or someone tries to his us with a stick.

Belly body language

The belly (tummy, abdomen, venter, gut, stomach, paunch) is, for this section, defined as the area between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the hips.

Pulling it in

In romantic and 'body beautiful' situations, a flat tummy is considered desirable in both men and women as it indicates fitness and health. In men, at least, the ultimate is a 'six pack' where individual muscles can be seen.
Most of us, particularly as we get older, fall victim to excessive consumption of food and drink, resulting in a convex belly. Fortunately, we do have muscles in our abdomen and we use these to pull in the belly walls so, for at least whilst we are walking past that desirable other person, we look good.
For the determined, corsets may be used to apply constant inwards pressure. Whilst not as popular as they once were, these may still be found in surreptitious use.

Pushing it out

Sticking out the tum does not indicate a desire to be attractive and can be a counter-reactive move. Particularly in groups of men, 'letting it all hang out' without feeling judged can be quite relieving and contribute to male bonding (along with loud discussions and lewd jokes).
The tummy may stick out more as a counterbalance when we want to pull our vulnerable upper body and head away in a situation where we feel uncomfortably close to another person.


The tummy area contains the stomach and the intestine, both of which are used to process food and which may be subject to assorted pains as we over-eat or consume substances that disagree with us. Rubbing the stomach can mean the person simply has a digestive problem.
The abdomen walls contain significant muscles and we can carry tension here. Rubbing or holding them can thus indicate tension, for example from excessive worry.
The gut is particularly vulnerable to attack and is a common area for punching and stabbing. If the gut is pierced, this can cause internal bleeding and a slow death. Holding hands across the tum can thus be a defensive act when we actually or literally fear attack.


When women become pregnant, they have little opportunity but to let their ever-expanding abdomens push forward. This can be a point of pride, perhaps for feminism, perhaps as a signal of fertility or maybe just delight at impending motherhood.

Bottom body language

The bottom is a large padded area at the base of the back. It has many alternative names (bum, ass, fanny, etc.), indicating its significance.

Pushing out

The bottom has a strange combination of meaning. It houses the smelly anus and hence can symbolize unpleasantness. Yet it also can have a sexual significance and some people find it particularly attractive in a partner.
Pushing the bottom towards someone may thus be an insult or an invitation, depending on the situation. It can thus say 'kiss my ass' or 'fondle my fanny' and may thus need careful interpretation!
Exposing the bottom can range from a slight push towards the person or significant extension, such as from leaning on a table (to retain balance) or bending over, such that the upper body is hidden and the bottom is highly visible.
'Mooning' is a semi-serious insult and involves exposing the naked bottom. This is a bit degrading and is often done with a certain amount of humorous intent.


Waving the bottom draws attention to it even more than pushing it out, although this tends to be more enticing than insulting.
Wiggling the hips can cause loose muscle on the buttocks to oscillate even more. This is highly visible and is used by women to attract men. It is sometimes called 'shaking the booty' and is a common feature in dancing. Wiggling hips may also make the upper body move in compensation, making the move even more attractive.


With hands behind, the person is more vulnerable and cannot cover their front. This may thus either be a relaxed and comfortable position or else a defiant power display. Putting hands in rear pockets makes them slightly less difficult to retrieve in the event of an attack and hence suggests the person is even more relaxed.
Stroking the bottom often suggests that the person would like their bottom stroked and may thus be a suggestive invitation.
Placing the hands on the buttocks also exposes the chest and hence gives a combined suggestive signal.
The thigh may be slapped as a self-punishment or 'gee up' self motivation.

Hips body language

The hips are at the base of the body trunk and are made up of the pelvis and covering tissue.

Thrust out

The hips contain the primary sexual organs and thrusting them forward is a provocative and suggestive gesture. This may be exaggerated further if the legs are opened, exposing the genitals further and inviting intercourse.
Pushing the hips forwards is difficult without losing balance, so this is sometimes done by leaning back against something like a wall to support the upper body whilst the hips are clearly foremost.
Men may use the hip thrust with other men as a signal of power ('my penis is bigger than yours' or 'I am so powerful you dare not attack my exposed and vulnerable parts').

Held back

Holding the hips back is the opposite of thrusting them out. It defends and hides the genitals, seeking to protect them or avoid them being noticed.
One way of holding them back is to sit down, folding the body over them. This may be compounded by crossing legs and covering the genitals with crossed hands.

Pushed sideways

Pushing the hips sideways makes the spine curve and rearranges the whole body to compensate. This can be a relaxed position as the person lets the body drop. The sagging can also come from disappointment or tiredness.
The hips may be used as a subtle pointer, indicating what the person really wants. Pointing at a person it may indicate they are found to be attractive. Pointing at the door can mean the person wants to leave.


Swaying the hips from side to side is a common dance move and can indicate the person would like to dance. It also draws attention to that part of the body and hence can be a flirtatious action.
Moving the hips back and forth is a simulation of sexual intercourse and can be highly arousing.


Hands on hips pushes the elbows sideways, making the body look larger and thus may be a signal of power or aggression.
Stroking the hips in a romantic setting is suggesting that the other person may want to do this and is thus rather flirtatious, particularly if accompanied by swaying hips and prolonged eye contact.
Fingering genitals is extremely arousing and is only usually used as a direct invitation to intercourse.
Hands held over the genitals, covering them, is a sign of embarrassment or fear.
Holding hands with yourself is a comforting move for someone who is anxious. The natural position of rest for this is at hip level and thus may not be sexual in nature.
The male penis can become uncomfortable in his underpants and he may surreptitiously rearrange it. If he does this overtly, it may be a signal of power or a sexual signal.